25-29th March… HAWKHIRST

We have had a fabulous time at Hawkhirst outdoor activity centre. The children have behaved impeccably and it has been lovely to watch them bond as they have faced challenges together. The staff at Hawkhirst have been brilliant, supporting children where needed, but constantly pushing them to achieve what they think is impossible. Enjoy the photo selection below which gives you a glimpse into the lifelong memories the children have formed over the past couple of days.

March 22nd

What a great week we have had… fantastic PE , a visit from Warburtons, the launch of ‘Dinningtons Daily Mile’ and  the start of making our 3D shoe art!

Pupils have loved our unit on Handball in PE and this week we got to put all of our skills we have been learning into some competitive matches.

In art we have researched different shoe designs and looked at how fashions have changed in the past 50 years. Pupils were very excited to start making their shoe casts out of tape this week, and although they found it tricky, they persevered and produced some great work.

On Thursday we launched our ‘Dinnington Daily Mile’. As a school we believe exercise and fitness leads to better learning. This fact, and the governments wish for all pupils to be active for at least 30mins every day, has led us to set up our movement challenge. After the launch it was fantastic to see so many children at breaktime jogging in the yard to complete their daily mile – 20 laps of the netball court! Some eager Year 4 pupils took this a step further… claiming to have completed 100 laps – 5 miles! Very impressive.

Finally towards the end of the week we were fortunate to be visited by a Warburtons representative. She educated the children about healthy living and healthy diets. She highlighted the serious risks of heart damage for young children who drink energy drinks and reinforced the need to get 5 fruit and veg every day. Pupils were then given the chance to put their learning into practice by making a healthy balanced snack.

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March 15th 2019

It has been a busy term so far since moving into our wonderful new school. The pupils are thriving in their new environment and loving all the new opportunities it provides.

This term in Year 4 we have been  finding out about Roman life and the invasion of Britain. Pupils have found out about Boudicca’s rebellion and researched how the Romans have had a lasting impact on the world in which we live now. There has been some fantastic homework making its way into class which demonstrates the enthusiasm of both families and pupils for this topic.


Over the the past couple of weeks pupils have also had the opportunity to try some cooking. So far we have made fair trade chocolate milk, pancakes and most recently healthy pizzas! Can I take this opportunity to say a huge thanks to Mrs Wallbank who gives up a whole morning to help deliver this fantastic experience.

In science we have been investigating changing states. Pupils initially learnt about and identified solids liquids and gasses, however their curiosity and scientific minds soon led us towards some experiments. Recently pupils decided to investigate which chocolate melts quickest, white , milk or dark. Interestingly we found out it was dark chocolate that melted quickest… we thought this was possibly due to the higher fat content.


Other things that have happened in this busy period include an author visit, a gas safety assembly, science week , World Book Day, a relationships workshop and the chance to use our fabulous new climbing frames in PE.

